Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Mick Schmazian Understands the Importance of Mineral Prospecting

When it comes to locating new resources on a constant basis, mineral prospectors like Mick Schmazian must be able to do their job well and consistently. Because of the constant forward march of technology, which uses large amounts of mineral resources, including some that are relatively rare, the ability to locate and access new mineral deposits is critical.

Mineral prospector Mick Schmazian understands all too well that the huge overheads associated with storage of certain minerals is very important. Mick’s decades of experience has been lauded by many and he is considered an expert in the prospecting field nowadays. One reason for that is his understanding of the danger posed by some large players, which sometimes try to manipulate the market to their own benefit. And since mineral supplies are zero-sum, that leads to detrimental consequences for others. That combines to make the job of professional mineral prospectors like Mick Shmazian very important in the mining industry and the economy. While technology promises that many of these mineral resources will be replaced at some point, that may take a while. Until then, Mick Schmazian will be needed and valued.